Parish Council Finance

The Parish Council is responsible for the stewardship of public funds and achieving value for money in using those funds. The Council is required to be transparent in conducting its affairs and this page provides a range of documents that cover the Council's financial arrangements. 

 In this section, you can view the budget and the Precept approved for a given financial year. The records of payments approved each month are included in the full council's minutes. 

Each year, an internal and external auditor reviews the parish council's finances, including accounting procedures, internal control and governance arrangement. The reports and findings are available for public inspection and provide assurance that Great Chart with Singleton Parish Council has a strong and effective governance in place. Residents have the right to inspect the council's accounts once they have been produced each year. If you are interested in any aspect of the Parish Council's financial affairs please contact the clerk Aniko Szocs on and we would be pleased to assist you with your enquiry.  


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